Ms. Angella Rainford, Managing Director (Rekamniar Frontier Ventures) and Ms. Odeth Reynolds, HR Manager (Jamaica Energy Partners)
Women in Energy 2017 will be held March 9-10, 2017 at the Jamaica Pegasus in Kingston with over 400 attendees from Jamaica, the Caribbean and North America expected to attend to learn, connect and inspire. We are confident this gathering will inspire our great women and contribute to their organizations at a higher level. We want to share and celebrate stories of success and set the stage for even greater achievements individually and collectively.
The inaugural Women in Energy Conference took place March 10-11, 2016 in Kingston, Jamaica and was extremely well received with speakers and stakeholders giving the conference a 98% satisfaction rating.
The event is hosted by the women of Jamaica’s energy provider, JPS, led by their charismatic and dynamic President and CEO, Kelly Tomblin.
The event is designed to give women in the energy industry a platform to utilize their full voices to address global challenges and opportunities. Recognizing that some of the leadership opportunities and challenges that are present in energy also exist in a number of other sectors, the conference will also speak to women leaders across other industries.
The Next Frontier In the Energy Sector – Are You Ready?
This panel will explore the nature of the changing energy landscape and the implications for us as individuals, as a nation and as a global community. The panellists will help participants make the connection between the global outlook for energy and Jamaica’s strategic plan for energy security, sustainability and affordability. The drive for greater integration of renewables, the introduction of smart technology, and changing customer demands are examined, as conference participants are challenged to look at their own roles in the future of energy.
Moderator: Sheree Martin, SVP, Energy Delivery, JPS
Panellists: Hillary Alexander, Permanent Secretary- Ministry of Science, Energy and Technology; Alphie Mullings-Aiken, CEO, Junior Achievement Jamaica; Angella Rainford , Managing Director, Rekamniar Frontier Ventures; and Odeth Reynolds, VP, Huma Resources, Environment, Health & Safety, Jamaica Energy Partners